Events & Activities
Wolf Willow is an active community. The Social Committee offers meaningful activities and events throughout the year. Most events are in the common house dining room, or in the warm months on the second floor deck.
Interested in learning more, contact us and ask about coming to an event.

Join us for a great House Concert on April 13th with Gillian and Fabian for a meet up of blues guitar and boisterous accordion.
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.; Concert starts at 7:30 p.m.
Contact: cliffandsylvie@sasktel.net (306)290-5104
Wolf Willow Member Activities & Events
Coffee Row is a very casual daily event from 10 to 11 a.m.
Activity Night on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. invites "wolfies" to bring their projects, games and tasks to enjoy in the company of others. This may be painting, crafting, knitting, silver polishing, baking and cookie exchange and in the gardening months it becomes “Weeding and Wine Wednesday” with the landscape committee.
Happy Hours each Friday from 5 to 6 p.m. invites "wolfies" to gather with their own beverage and often snacks to share.
Movie Nights offer a variety of movies shown on Fridays at 7 p.m. in the dining room.
Monthly Dinner Potlucks are held following council meetings throughout the year. The Social Committee will usually provide a birthday cake for those who have a birthday that month. Some impromptu potlucks and barbecues happen, especially in the summer months.
Saturday Bring-Your-Own Suppers occur on every non-potluck Saturday begins at 6 p.m. with folks bringing their own supper to eat together with fellow “wolfies”.
Common meals happen once a month from October to June. A team of about four people plan, prepare and host a meal for those who sign up. The cost is minimal to cover expenses.
In-house Coffee House where in the atmosphere of a coffee house “wolfies” can perform for each other. There are many talented folks at Wolf Willow. We have had skits, dramatic readings, readers theatre, musical performances, and interesting presentations.
Holidays include a Christmas dinner and party planned by the social committee, and a New Year's Eve games night.
Public Events
Art Shows by the artists in our community and invited guest artists.
House Concerts happen about four times a year, with a variety of talented performers. Tickets are sold, the artist receives most of the ticket money with some held back to provide snacks during the concert and for a sound system in the future.
Yard Sales are part spring clean and part fundraiser with sales of elegant junk, art, antiques, plants and more.
Open Houses throughout the year offer educational opportunities and tours to learn more about cohousing.